A: Veneers or Crowns cost approximately $1200 a piece. Because it usually takes 8 veneers to create the best outcome, I have a special that provides all 8 veneers for the cost of $6,000. that is $3,600 off. When you include the free exam, bleaching and night guard, its a total $4,500 savings.
Why am I doing this? Honestly, I want to help as many people get the smile that will change their life. I have found that $9,500 is just more than most people can afford. $6,000 seems to be a more reasonable number for people.
Q: What does the payment plan look like for a smile makeover?
A: 55% down with the remaining 45% interest free and spread out over 3 months.
Q: What about all the little costs that add up like x-rays and exam fees?
A: I'll exclude x-rays and exam fees when you get a smile makeover. In fact, I'll also include a free teeth bleaching kit and a night guard as well.
Q: How many veneers/ crowns are needed for a smile makeover.
A: Typically, the 8 front teeth are optimal to get your perfect smile. Occasionally, you can get away with just including your 6 - 4 front teeth. The less number of teeth involved, the less control you have. (ie. if you want your smile to be really bright, you would need at least 8 to look good.)